
Brapa Consultancy is a Micro SME, speciallised in providing consultancy on optimising production processes and to help develop new products. Using science as a tool to balance and optimise different requirements, will lead to better, and taylored equipment. Not only traditional consultancy can be provided, but modelling can also be used as a tool to come to a well based advise. This is particularly helpful when different requirements seemingly are contradicting each other. Brapa Consultancy is an expert on scientific programming and modelling and simulation. This can help you to:

  • Develop new products at lower costs
  • Optimise existing products
  • Predict when your product can best be deployed

Not only programming languages like C#, Java, Delphi and Fortran can be used, but dynamic simulations in Excel is an option as well.

Brapa Consultancy can also provide project management of R&D projects. Brapa consultancy can not only provide good project management of your projects, but because of years of experience, also the science behind the project can be analised on its value. This will take away the gap between traditional project managers and science experts.

Brapa Consultancy has connections with knowledge organisations, all over the world.